Category: #Self-Realization

How To Foster Transformation Of Adult Consciousness?

In a previous article, I described the evolution of Ego-based consciousness towards higher, Self-based consciousness. The Self, a term initially coined by Carl Jung, represents the unification of the conscious and the unconscious parts in an individual, his psyche as an integrated whole. The aim of this article is to present aspects I believe are important to support such a transformation at individual level. I am personally fascinated by this perspective of providing maps that one can consciouslyRead more

Human Consciousness And Its Transformation

It seems that we are quite far away from really understanding and reaching an agreement on what consciousness is. There is also no evidence so far that consciousness is actually generated in the brain, a fascinating question. By acknowledging that language and our rational mind might actually not be able to grasp the total reality of consciousness, one possible definition though, among many others, pragmatical and empirical here, is to consider consciousness as a naturalRead more

A Part Of Me Wants All The Pussies, And It Makes Me Suffer

It was one of these warm summer nights that I had spent with a dear male friend of mine. I was coming back to my place by bike. The breeze was gently sliding on my legs and my face, it was so cozy. Yet, I felt dissatisfied. And oh boy, I can tell you that I know too well this very feeling. But how possible was it popping up again now? Indeed, I had spentRead more

The ManKind Project, Gold Standard of a Modern Men’s Community?

When I discovered that I was a “Nice Guy”, I felt the need to establish deeper relationships and get more validated by men than by women. I cut out several of my relationships with female friends and invested more of my energy in getting socially involved with male friends. I kind of knew it was not enough though, but it was the only option I had at that time. After several years, a bit by coincidence,Read more

The Way of the Superior Man – Live as if your father were dead

If there would be a single book I had to recommend every man to read and contemplate over the years, I think it could be this one, by David Deida. It is a deep and truthful dive into spiritual masculine essence, broken down into small chapters. These chapters give you concrete entry points for implementing conscious changes in your reality and mindset as a man. Here is an excerpt of its last edition’s preface, justRead more

I Met Two Fucking Warriors

My journey towards self-healing and self-realization, among other powerful tools I rely on, involves a deep exploration into the realm of ayahuasca. Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew that has been used for hundreds of years as a traditional spiritual medicine in ceremonies among the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. I drink it in a very specific context and co-healing ceremonies. The container for these ceremonies has been established and refined by generations of people who haveRead more

Shadow-Work: Why This Gym Guy Is Pissing Me Off?

I love working out at the gym, especially in mornings as I already talked about. And in these last weeks, I kept seeing on a regular basis this very guy. We have both similar body types and more or less same height. But he is way bigger than I am. At many occasions when I see him there, he might actually be one of the biggest men working out around. He clearly focuses his workouts onRead more

This Is My Mission

The masculine is always on the move. Biologically to provide for survival. Historically to explore the world and build it. Ultimately, to seek for freedom and find out our true and deepest selves. As men, at our core, we are on a mission. We need a mission. A mission aligned with the expression of our main archetypes, so the actions we take in the world to live up to it are meaningful to us. AsRead more

The Hero’s Journey Of A Pick-Up Artist – The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Mr. K is a significant figure of the daygame scene initiated in London more than a decade ago, he is a player. He was part of a bunch of geeks who decided to retro-engineer the art of attracting and seducing women in the streets, in pure daylight. These guys didn’t invent the wheel, since the practice of hitting on women in the streets had been extensively practiced for ages I believe. But until the Internet’s era,Read more